Compiling OpenSSL for gp2x Wiz
The GP2X Wiz handheld game machine linux based
For compile OpenSSL in Cross compiler with GPESDK for ARM cpu do this:
Download the GP2X OpenWIZ SDK or Download the GP2X WIZ SDK official of GamePark Holdings (recommended)
Download OpenSSL from sources
unpack all two, and go to OpenSSL source code path
Replace tis three values with path and binary of cross compiler, in my case:
The following code is suitable for testing library on GP2X Wiz:
Posted at BinaryCell
For compile OpenSSL in Cross compiler with GPESDK for ARM cpu do this:
Download the GP2X OpenWIZ SDK or Download the GP2X WIZ SDK official of GamePark Holdings (recommended)
Download OpenSSL from sources
unpack all two, and go to OpenSSL source code path
./config no-asm --openssldir=/opt/GPH_SDK --prefix=/opt/GPH_SDKAfter this step, edit Makefile to use the GP2X SDK cross compiler
Replace tis three values with path and binary of cross compiler, in my case:
CC= /opt/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.0.2-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-gcc
AR= /opt/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.0.2-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-ar $(ARFLAGS) r RANLIB= /opt/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.0.2-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-ranlibCompile and enjoy with OpenSSL libraries for your GP2X Wiz (and make software for them!)
The following code is suitable for testing library on GP2X Wiz:
#include "/opt/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/include/openssl/md5.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const unsigned char * originalText = (unsigned char *)"Hello world"; unsigned char * outputBuffer = malloc(4096); unsigned long originalTextLen = 11; int len; MD5( originalText, originalTextLen, outputBuffer); for (len=0;len<=15; len++) { printf("%02x", outputBuffer[len]); } free(outputBuffer); printf("\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }Remember compile them with:
/opt/GPH_SDK/tools/gcc-4.0.2-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-gcc main.c -o testOpenSSLarm -lcrypto -L /opt/GPH_SDK/lib -I /opt/GPH_SDK/include -static
Posted at BinaryCell
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