Change splash screen on Advent Vega Tablet

Note: this post is buggy... need revision

Advent Vega is an Android powered device and very cheap

Is possible to change the splash screen using android sdk toolkit, here is the howto:

Setup the device with debugging checking the tick in Settings => Applications => Development => USB debugging

Connect the device to your computer.

1- Backup the original file to modify
$ adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk framework-res.apk.backup
2- Unzip the file on your computer
$ mkdir temp
$ cd temp
$ unzip ../framework-res.apk.backup

Go to assets/images/android-logo-mask.png, modify with the gimp or other image manipulation program application.

3- Re-zip the file
$ zip -r -0 ../framework-res.apk .

4- Delete original file from tablet (warning: save a copy on your computer!)
$ adb shell rm /system/framework/framework-res.apk

5- Upload the new file to the tablet
$ adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/
6- Restart your device
$ adb reboot

If works, the new splash screen apear in few seconds

Note: if tablet don't boot, use the adb command of android SDK to put the original file again, using push and reboot options, when table boots is in "debug mode" from the beginning and is perfectly accesible with or without screen :-)


Posted at BinaryCell


  1. Nice post, thanks for your tips. It will be useful in my blog.


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